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I was challenged today by something I saw on Twitter from Inky Johnson (@inkyjohnson). In the video clip I watched, he said that “sacrifice is a prerequisite to growth.: But, the homerun quote was, “At a certain point, the old you has to die off for the new you to become.” Wow!

I don’t know about you, but even as I’ve grown significantly in the past few years, I still struggle on the regular with the idea of slaying the “old you” that still rises up within me. In the Bible, we’re taught that, “the old has become new.” But, even in God’s measure of “new,” it is largely dependent not on what we take hold of, but more what we are able to LET GO OF! The Pharisees couldn’t let go of their past. Other Jews struggled to let go of all they’d ever known. Even the disciples struggled in many ways with the idea that Jesus was bringing “something new!”

Maybe, just maybe this time of confinement, quarantine, inconvenience, and struggle for many of us is just so we’ll understand how important it is to let go of some things? Maybe, God is reminding us that we are not really in control anyway? This is not an original idea, but I do still wonder whether Inky’s words hit me so profoundly because I still have so much letting go to do…

Won’t you join me in truly searching your heart and your head, and asking our Maker what else he would like for you to let go? I’m as anxious as anyone to move forward, and move OUT of this time of upheaval medically and socially. But, maybe we don’t get to move forward until we let go of some things that keep holding us back?

I’ll pray for you in this endeavor. I’d be grateful if you would do likewise for me! Stay safe, stay well, and keep letting go!

The Best I’ve Seen!


I’m dropping a quick line here to encourage you to find and check out “The Chosen” TV series. From the purpose-driven producers and director, to the perfectly timed life situations God has put the actors in, this TV project is anointed in so many ways! You can find more information at or by locating The Chosen on Facebook.

Continue reading The Best I’ve Seen!


The blog below is an edited version of a blog I published about 5 years ago. I find it to still be relevant in our society, especially in election season. 😉 -RM


I asked that question in a presentation I did for an industry conference yesterday. Today, at lunch with a new colleague from that conference, we became engaged in a discussion about men’s issues and the way society is headed. (I’ll address the “coincidental” nature of our having lunch another time)

The thing that struck me as we talked is that society is currently in a dead sprint. I mean we are all running. While we think we are running AFTER something, I would maintain that, in a spiritual sense, we are all running FROM something. But, what is that? What IS going on that we are seemingly all running AWAY from something?

It seems to me that society is currently running as fast as it can from….


Yep, religion. Here’s why I say that. Many of us “Christian Conservatives” are all too quick to point out that society has run from God. But, too often we, in our combative overtones and attitudes, miss the point that OUR VERY NATURE is part of what society is really running from. Because, I think the segment of society that we deem to be “running from God” is actually people running from RELIGION. The sad part is that, in many cases, they are running from religion because that is what they see in US!

Not God

Not Jesus

Not the Holy Spirit

Not Love

They see the stuff we do, instead of seeing who HE is! Because, OUR RELIGION is being played out in what we DO instead of in being who He says we should be!

They see rules, because in OUR RELIGION, we talk about what’s wrong with everyone else. We seldom put the emphasis on God’s love for them, much less our love for them.

They see condemnation of their lifestyles, life choices, and societal positions. After all, exactly when was it that God told us it was our job to ignore John 3:16-18 so that we could apply a fresh coat of condemnation ourselves?

Now, the exception I see in society today are those Christians who have quit getting hung up on rules, traditions, fights, arguments, dissension, and the pursuit of being right. Instead, they have learned to see EVERY human as flawed (including most importantly – themselves!). They have learned that we all need Grace, we all need Redemption, and we all need a Savior. They have learned to become who His Word says they are to be, and quit trying to DO what they think it takes. In other words…


What does (or should) this say to you and me? What is the best way to see this need in ourselves? What is the best way to let this take hold in our individual life?

Well, I say it is to take off running! Now! Sprint like there is no tomorrow!

Run away from Religion! Run as fast as you can to whatever it is that you KNOW God wants you to do. In fact, don’t even get hung up on what He wants you to do. Instead, get hung up on running after Him. Pursue Him! I believe you’ll find Him waiting with arms wide open to simply love on you! That love will then create a new foundation and focus in your life. And, that will help you know exactly who to be. For you see, it’s all about the race!

I’m going to do more running from religion, and after the Savior! How about you?

Do We Really Matter?

I’ve recently discovered something that I should have known for most of my life. You see, my life was spent going to church on a regular basis (more or less). I certainly heard the creation story many, many times growing up. But, there is something there that I somehow missed for most of my life.

In this crazy world we live in today, people really struggle with whether they matter. They wonder if they matter in their job, they wonder if they matter to their spouse, and they’re completely convinced they don’t matter to their kids! Can I get an “Amen!”?

But, for the Believer, our ultimate question comes down to whether we matter to God. Now, we know He gave His only Son for us just so our relationship with Him could be intact, healthy, engaged, and fruitful. But, still, we often find ourselves wondering whether we matter to ANYONE…

Continue reading Do We Really Matter?

What’s That Smell?

Last Fall, we were having extremely dry conditions in the Southeast U.S. where I live. Over a period of several weeks, the resulting forest fires in many of our mountain areas left a smell of smoke in our valleys and towns. Even the pilot on a commercial flight I was on warned that we might smell a “campfire” smell as we flew over some of these areas.

Thinking back to that time last Fall reminds me of an amazing object lesson I heard John Maxwell share one time. In the Apostle John’s gospel account, he talked of the resurrected Jesus’ appearance to the disciples on the shore near where they had fished all night. Let’s join them:

“When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”” John 21:9-10 ESV

Do you see it? Rather, do you smell it? That distinct smell of a charcoal fire? No doubt the smell stoked a hunger in the bellies of the disciples there. I mean, they had fished all night! Then they had dealt with that whole “nets filled until they would break” thing! Man, now I need a snack, too!

But, not Peter. Peter was hungry, but not for food. Peter almost certainly had something else on his mind. As I heard Maxwell share in his version of this illustration, the sense of smell is the most powerful sense for stimulating our memory. If we put ourselves in Peter’s place, I wonder what memory likely would emerge at this moment. So much had happened in the previous few days! Perhaps in his normally intense desire for action, Peter once again thought, “He’s alive and with us! NOW! Now is when we’ll go to war and He will conquer!”

But, that charcoal… fire…

Remember? Let’s look back a few short days…

“The servant girl at the door said to Peter, “You also are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?” He said, “I am not.” Now the servants and officers had made a charcoal fire, because it was cold, and they were standing and warming themselves. Peter also was with them, standing and warming himself.” John 18:17-18 ESV

Whoa! It seems likely that Peter, even as he “threw himself into the water” to race to Jesus on the shore, would almost certainly have been met head-on by the memory of his BETRAYAL of Christ! Perhaps John only recorded Jesus’ directions about the fish to avoid offending Peter in his moment of extreme brokenness before Jesus. Perhaps John felt it best to let Jesus’ punishment for Peter at this moment be a private time between their little group.

Wait, what? Jesus didn’t punish Peter? Oh, come on, didn’t Jesus set those fish on a charcoal fire to MAKE Peter face his mistake? Maybe even re-live it?

Well, just a few verses later, John says that Jesus simply asked Peter if he loved Him to which Peter replied, “Yes, Lord.” And then, this:

“He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.”” John 21:17-19 ESV

Not only did Jesus NOT punish Peter, He gave him an assignment! He put Peter back in the game! He moved him into his destiny as the rock upon whom the church would be built! We now know that it was Peter that drew the assignment to share Jesus with the Gentiles! As a man who grew up Baptist and found Jesus in my teens, I am grateful Jesus didn’t give up on Peter, and that He hasn’t given up on me!

Hey, friend… He hasn’t given up on you either! You may have done some petty things wrong, or you may have done some horrible things wrong. You may have avoided and run from God for years. Or, like me, you may have spent a significant portion of your life putting on a great show of loving the Lord while living like the devil when no one is watching. It matters not!

The grace and forgiveness Jesus imparted unto Peter is the very same Grace He has for you and me. Won’t you search your heart, and His Word, for where His love comes smack up against your guilt? Won’t you push past the shame and hurt carried in the smell of your charcoal fire, and let the sweet aroma of His endless Love, Mercy, and Grace fill your heart and mind today! Don’t take my word for it! Ask Him if it’s real, and watch how He will come and fill your life! Yes, you may just get your assignment, too! But, how is the alternative working out for you?

I love you, friend!


What Do You Hear?

As I presented to our men’s class at my church this morning, we discussed the “hearing” of the Holy Spirit. The more I contemplate this idea, the more I’m thinking that it sure helps to KNOW the voice you’re trying to hear. By “know,” I mean recognize, expect, not be afraid of when you hear it.

For years, I would sense God’s presence, then become pretty emotional about what I was experiencing. I would then essentially shut down the Spirit’s presence and what He was up to with me. Because, I ultimately came to realize that I was actually FEARFUL of the Spirit’s presence, and what it would ultimately reveal to me about myself.

What? Afraid of God? No! Really?

Um… yes. Really.

But, when someone helped me finally believe that all that “Love” and “Heir” and “Child of the King” stuff in the Bible was really TRUE, then I realized that a Father that loves me that much, is not showing up to punish me, or shame me, or destroy me! He is showing up in His Spirit, to SHOW me, REVEAL things to me, and to LOVE me all the more.

Wow! Me? Really?

Yes! Really! Me… um, I mean YOU! He loves YOU this way, too!

So, what about you friend? Have you heard Him lately? If not, is it because you’re not listening, you’re afraid, or that you are simply not willing to HEAR (or see) Him when He shows up in your life. See Him as your Father who loves you, and look and listen for Him today!

Let me know below how your hearing changes in the coming days!

All my best in Him… Robby

Scared To Be Significant?

Whew! I love blogging! I love my job, I love my kids, I love my girlfriend, and I love writing! Like so many other things, I just don’t seem to ever get here often enough. An understatement if there ever was one…

Anyway, I have to share a couple of things with you today. First, life has been on full-speed, wide-open for me the past year or so! I’ve been traveling a lot of places, meeting a lot of new people, and helping work on some exciting new things for my company! What I’ve learned during this time is that our country is not so big as I thought it was, and the thought that one or more of my children would relocate somewhere else in the country – or the world for that matter – would not be the devastating life occurrence I once thought it would. Continue reading Scared To Be Significant?

It’s A New Year… Now What?

Well, here we are at the beginning of 2015. I certainly hope you and yours all had a fantastic Christmas and holiday time as we said goodbye to 2014. But, even if your life events haven’t been  “fantastic,” I hope you are still eager and ready to launch into 2015 believing that things can only go up from here!

Seriously Robby? You think you sit in a place to tell me to be “eager,” or to “believe?” How could you? You don’t know ANYTHING about where things stand for me!

Continue reading It’s A New Year… Now What?

Why Me, Lord?

I was prompted to encourage a friend today who shared that she was having a heavy heart about some matters. I, too, have experienced that feeling recently as some rather chaotic things have been going on around me with friends and their relationships with one another. In the middle of MY firestorm, I was impressed by the Spirit that I was incredibly privileged to be “invited” to be in that place and time.

Continue reading Why Me, Lord?