What Do You Hear?

As I presented to our men’s class at my church this morning, we discussed the “hearing” of the Holy Spirit. The more I contemplate this idea, the more I’m thinking that it sure helps to KNOW the voice you’re trying to hear. By “know,” I mean recognize, expect, not be afraid of when you hear it.

For years, I would sense God’s presence, then become pretty emotional about what I was experiencing. I would then essentially shut down the Spirit’s presence and what He was up to with me. Because, I ultimately came to realize that I was actually FEARFUL of the Spirit’s presence, and what it would ultimately reveal to me about myself.

What? Afraid of God? No! Really?

Um… yes. Really.

But, when someone helped me finally believe that all that “Love” and “Heir” and “Child of the King” stuff in the Bible was really TRUE, then I realized that a Father that loves me that much, is not showing up to punish me, or shame me, or destroy me! He is showing up in His Spirit, to SHOW me, REVEAL things to me, and to LOVE me all the more.

Wow! Me? Really?

Yes! Really! Me… um, I mean YOU! He loves YOU this way, too!

So, what about you friend? Have you heard Him lately? If not, is it because you’re not listening, you’re afraid, or that you are simply not willing to HEAR (or see) Him when He shows up in your life. See Him as your Father who loves you, and look and listen for Him today!

Let me know below how your hearing changes in the coming days!

All my best in Him… Robby

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